Glee Wiki: Under the Spotlight Fanfiction Wiki

This page is for the Glee Wiki: Under The Spotlight Update Team ONLY. Any other comments will be removed. If you are wanting to apply for the team please use the Update Team page.

Once you have updated your page after the most recent episode, come to this page and comment saying that it has been completed. That page will then be marked as completed on the table below

Failure to update your page repeatedly will result in you being removed from the team.


 DONE  Page has been completed by assigned user.
 DONE  Page has been completed by backup team/another user.
 NOT DONE  Page is still to be completed by assigned user.
 BACKUP  User hasn't updated/is unable to update, should be updated by Backup Team.
     -      Character/relationship does not feature in episode.

The Sting of a Slushie What the Heart Wants Behind Those Eyes The Grief of Acceptance
Daniel Gallacher - - - -
Drew Morgan - - - -
Emma Lawson - - - -
Gareth Adams DONE DONE DONE -
Gauri Daniels DONE DONE DONE -
Gina Garcia DONE DONE DONE -
Hayley Lovejoy - - - -
Jade Richman DONE DONE DONE -
Jas Montez - - - -
Juan Bainbridge - - - -
Kerwin Dean - - - -
Lena Faith - - - -
Luke Hensley - - - -
Naomi Woods - - - -
Paul Prescott - - - -
Perry Scott - - - -
Sarah Swan - - - -
Coach Sis Sylvester - - - -
Skyler Parks DONE DONE DONE -
Trae "Rebel" Lachtner - - - -